2021 Maine Voter Pulse Poll

Publication date: April 28, 2022
Written by: Stefani Buhajla

The Center for Excellence in Polling recently surveyed likely voters in Maine to gather their opinions on important social, political, and economic issues.


More than one-quarter of all voters say that economic issues are most important when considering who to vote for in 2022. Interestingly, this includes a plurality of all likely Democrat voters (30%).


Voters of all parties share concerns about people being censored or bullied on social media for their political opinions or religious beliefs.


In Maine, voters rank candidates for a particular office on their ballot in order of personal preference. More than half of all voters say they prefer the conventual form of voting—where voters may only select one candidate per office on their ballots—to Maine’s ranked-choice voting.

Perhaps most interesting is what the poll revealed about voters’ thoughts on the labor shortage. Most Maine voters say they are somewhat or very concerned about new strains of the coronavirus (72%). However, a very small percentage blame COVID-19 for the labor shortage affecting the entire nation (9%). Rather, just under half say that extended unemployment and welfare are most to blame for the worker shortage (41%).