Voters Say “No Thanks” to More Government Spending
Publication date: September 1, 2021
Written by: Stefani Buhajla
Democrats in control of the White House and Congress are spending with abandon. We recently polled voters on the Child Tax Credit and on raising the debt ceiling, and responses show that most American voters—regardless of party affiliation—would rather say “no thanks” to more government spending.
The COVID-19 stimulus bill in March of 2021 temporarily and substantially increased the annual Child Tax Credit. Some are calling for an extension of the credit, but this is unpopular: More than half of all voters support allowing the increase to expire as scheduled at the end of 2021. We also specifically polled respondents with dependents under age 17—those who would be directly affected by the expiration of the credit. Interestingly, an even more significant margin of voters with dependents support it expiring at the end of 2021 (58%).
Similarly, most voters do not want the federal government to write itself another blank check courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer by way of increasing the federal borrowing limit. More than half of all voters oppose efforts to raise the debt ceiling (54%).