The Center for Excellence in Polling recently surveyed likely voters, including Suburban Women, Working Class, Republicans, and Independents, to gauge their opinions on important issues facing the country in welfare, work, government spending, energy, and education.

Voters support reforms that will tame inflation.
More than three-quarters of Working Class, Suburban Women, GOP, and Independent voters support requiring able-bodied adults on welfare to work, train, or volunteer at least part-time.
…of likely Suburban Women voters—regardless of party affiliation—support a welfare work requirement for able-bodied adults, while 77 percent of all Independent voters responded favorably.
…of all likely Working Class voters—regardless of party affiliation—support requiring welfare agencies to improve welfare eligibility checks to reduce waste and ensure those receiving benefits are truly eligible.
…of all Independents support increasing domestic energy production, as do 69 percent of Working Class voters.
A majority of Suburban Women and Independents agree that welfare should be protected for the truly needy, and that the federal government should not be able to spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars unchecked.
Working Class voters, among those hit hardest by inflation, have a vested interest in and strong support for reforms that will result in more affordable energy costs and lower taxes.
OPPORTUNITIES: Congress should prioritize enacting welfare work requirements and eligibility verification, requiring congressional approval for costly rule changes, and ramping up domestic energy projects.
Voters support reforms that create a roadmap to the American Dream.
Voters want students to be equipped with the information they need to make the best decisions for the future.
…of both Working Class and Suburban Women voters say Congress should require high schools to inform students of the long-term costs of college and other options available to them after graduation.
Among all surveyed voting blocs, Working Class voters are most enthusiastic about making other, non-traditional paths to success more accessible to Americans.
…of Working Class voters think Congress should provide more flexibility for states and students to use existing federal education funding to pursue career training.
…of Working Class and 75 percent of Suburban Women voters also want Congress to update employment laws to protect independent contractors.
Working Class voters support improving opportunities to pursue alternative pathways to success that don’t always involve a four-year degree.
Suburban Women want expanded pathways to meaningful careers and have a strong interest in updating employment laws to protect policies that allow for a good work-life balance.
OPPORTUNITIES: Congress should prioritize highly popular reforms such as Students’ Right to Know and flexibility in the use of existing federal education funding for career training.
Results for this poll are based on automated telephone interviews conducted among a nationwide sample of 5,628 likely voters across 11 surveys. Data for this survey research was collected by Cor Services, Inc. Interviews were conducted via a computer-assisted telephone interviewing system utilizing techniques designed to achieve the highest possible respondent cooperation.
The surveys were conducted March 16-22, 2022. The margins of sampling error vary narrowly between plus or minus 4.26 and plus or minus 4.37 percentage points, depending on the question. Results presented may not always appear to total 100 percent due to rounding.
Data was sampled using weighted demographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey Voting and Registration Supplement and the state election authorities. Demographic information for actual voters in past elections were used to construct sample target weights.