Publication date: June 10, 2022
Written by: Travis Taylor
The Center for Excellence in Polling recently surveyed likely Oklahoma voters on important issues facing their state and the nation. Topics included inflation, workforce shortages, unemployment, welfare, and election integrity.
Facing record-breaking inflation and unprecedented numbers of unfilled jobs, Oklahomans express high levels of concern about economic issues around inflation, unfilled jobs, and the government’s complicity in keeping workers out of the workforce.
Economic issues are top of mind for Oklahoma voters, regardless of party affiliation.
…of Oklahoma voters say that the economy, inflation, and jobs are the most important issue to them. This is a strong plurality and leads as the top concern by 18 percentage points. Voters cite this as their number one concern, regardless of party—42 percent of Republicans, 45 percent of Democrats, and 37 percent of Independents.
…are very or somewhat concerned about recent increases in the cost of goods and services. Inflation concerns are not a partisan issue, with an overwhelming majority of Republicans (93%), Democrats (85%), and Independents (85%) expressing at least some concern.
Oklahomans are also concerned about unfilled jobs and want policies that get people back to work.
…are very or somewhat concerned about the fact that there are more than 100,000 unfilled jobs in Oklahoma. Concerns about the lack of workforce participation cut across party lines: A majority of Independents (59%) express some level of concern with the number of unfilled jobs in the state, while nearly three-quarters of both Republicans (72%) and Democrats (69%) share the sentiment.
…support establishing a job referral system that connects individuals on unemployment with businesses that are hiring.
…say able-bodied adults on food stamps should work, volunteer, or participate in job training at least part-time as a condition of eligibility for benefits. Strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and Independents (62%) support this policy. And such work requirements in food stamps also have majority support from Democrats.
Oklahomans support election integrity.
…support in-person voter ID. And most Oklahomans also want absentee ballots to include a current and valid government-issued ID number.
The Bottom Line
Oklahomans are concerned about the economy. Most voters are worried about inflation and the state’s low workforce participation rates. They express strong and often bipartisan support for policies that will help their neighbors get back to work while reducing government dependency. And there is strong support for measures to protect the integrity of the electoral process.