Publication date: November 9, 2022
Written by: Sarah Coffey
The Center for Excellence in Polling recently surveyed Missouri voters on important issues in the state. Results indicate that Missouri voters support reforms that will help Missourians get back to work, improve welfare program integrity, and keep political agendas out of the classroom and the boardroom.
Missouri voters support licensing reform
Voters in the Show Me State support reforms that would reduce barriers to work. Majorities of likely voters support allowing high school students to work part time without having to obtain permission from their school (76%) and allowing work experience to count toward occupational licensing education requirements (82%).
Welfare reform is popular
Missouri voters also strongly support reforms that would bring greater integrity to the state’s welfare programs. Missourians strongly favor ensuring that those who receive welfare benefits are truly eligible, specifically in Medicaid (72%). Majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents all support conducting more frequent audits of the state’s welfare programs (75%) and checking eligibility more frequently and with better technology (74%).
Voters also support reforms that would help Missourians get back to work, including requiring able-bodied adults without children to work, train, or volunteer at least part time as a condition of eligibility for food stamps (67%) and child support cooperation (66%).
Missouri favors transparent education and rejects ESG
Voters oppose the Left’s attempt to politicize the classroom and the boardroom. A majority of likely voters in the state oppose teaching gender identity and sexual education topics in public elementary schools (54%).
They also favor holding school board elections on-cycle, or at the same time as other general elections for statewide and federal offices (62%).
In addition, Missouri voters oppose the Left’s attempts to choose winners and losers in the marketplace and strongly reject the practice of investing taxpayer money in banks and investment funds that make business decisions based on their political agenda, like environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria (75%).