Publication date: April 19, 2022
Written by: Stefani Buhajla
The Center for Excellence in Polling recently surveyed likely voters of all parties in Louisiana to evaluate their opinions on policy reforms that help move people from welfare to work, secure the state’s elections, and make it easier to work and do business in the state.
Survey results indicate broad and often bipartisan support for reforms that will help Louisianans get to work and have confidence in their elections.
There is broad, bipartisan support for reforms that move people from welfare to work.
… support requiring able-bodied adults to engage in meaningful work search activity as a condition of welfare eligibility. Voters expressed broad bipartisan support, including 64 percent of Democrats and 72 percent of Independents, for requiring able-bodied adults to work, volunteer, or participate in job training at least part-time as a condition of eligibility for welfare.
… support frequent audits of the state’s welfare system to help detect fraud. This includes support from 64 percent of Democrats, eight in 10 Independents, and more than 90 percent of Republicans.
… support requiring individuals to cooperate with the state’s attempts to collect child support as a condition of eligibility for food stamps, including 74 percent of Independents and 55 percent of Democrats.
Voters want to make it easier to work and do business in Louisiana.
… support making it easier for businesses to get the permits required by the state to get to work. Strong majorities in all parties—including two out of every three Democrats and Independents—said they would support a policy that makes it easier for business owners to get building permits and other required operating permits.
… support allowing out-of-state permits and licenses to transfer into Louisiana. A majority of Democrats (52%), Independents (66%) and Republicans (72%) support allowing state residents to transfer out-of-state occupational licenses into Louisiana as long as the license is in good standing and the worker pays any required fees and passes all background checks.
Election integrity reforms have support across party lines.
… of all likely voters oppose allowing election officials to accept outside funding to run elections. Seven in 10 Republicans and Democrats and two-thirds of Independents say the state should prohibit government offices that oversee elections from accepting funding for their operations from private individuals and special interest groups.
… support voter ID on mail-in ballots. This includes more than half of Democrats and nearly three-quarters of Independents. In a state where voting by mail-in ballot is easy, voters of all parties want to make sure it is hard to cheat.
Louisiana voters express broad and bipartisan support for policy reforms that will move the state towards moving people off welfare and back into work. And there is agreement on the necessity for legal changes that that will restore confidence in elections.