Publication date: August 30, 2021
Written by: Dan Reynolds
This poll tests a variety of current issues and suggested reforms in Mississippi. It is clear from the results that Mississippi voters want more individual freedom and more government transparency.
Voters want on-the-job training to count toward educational requirements (70%) and to allow small businesses and entrepreneurs to offer more affordable health care options (88%). Voters also want to issue fines and penalties for election officials who knowingly share false election information (77%) and voters want election results to be automatically audited after every election (64%).
on-the-job training to count toward educational requirements.
allowing small businesses and entrepreneurs to offer more affordable health care options.
issuing fines and penalties for election officials who knowingly share false election information.
automatically auditing election results after every election.
Interestingly, of the issues in this poll, Independent voters care the most about reforming health care and ensuring election integrity. They are most supportive of allowing small businesses and entrepreneurs to offer their own affordable health care plans (90%), and of punishing election officials for knowingly sharing false election information (80%).